Good Vibe Squad Named to Inc’s 5,000 Fastest Growing Private Companies

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Each year, Inc, one of the most trusted sources for business and industry news, conducts a thorough analysis of all the businesses in the United States to assess their growth and trajectory. They then compile the 5,000 fastest-growing companies into a public list to encourage transparency and healthy competition. Good Vibe Squad is honored to appear on their 2023 list as the #1,404 fastest-growing private company in America. 

Key Takeaways

  • Inc is a trusted source of business and industry news that has featured Good Vibe Squad several times over the years.
  • Good Vibe Squad ranked as #1,404 for the fastest-growing private companies in America on Inc’s 2023 list. 
  • Good Vibe Squad continues to be a leader in business and life transformation within the mortgage industry.

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What Is the Inc 5,000 List?

The Inc 5,000 List ranks companies by their percentage revenue growth from 2019 to 2022. Companies must be US-based and have been generating revenue prior to March 31, 2019 to be considered. They must also be independent rather than subsidiaries or divisions of other companies. This is the same list that companies like Intuit, Microsoft, Zappos, Facebook, and Chobani have appeared on before reaching billions of dollars of valuation. 

How Much Has Good Vibe Squad Grown? 

Good Vibe Squad experienced a 417% growth rate between 2020 and 2023. 
Good Vibe Squad has grown from a joint venture between two friends into a global team of more than 60+ specialists headed by co-founders McBilly Sy and Preston Schmidli. In 2023, Preston and McBilly met with foreign leaders to discuss their expansion plans and to bring more opportunities to the corners of the world that need it most. They also secured a new office space for their Philippines team that is more than triple the size of their original overseas office. 

That said, Preston and McBilly’s focus remains on the bigger picture of getting as many Americans into homes as possible by making home ownership an achievable reality rather than just a dream. They accomplish this by working to make the conversion and closing process as easy as possible for mortgage loan originators all over the United States. 

Preston Schmidli & McBilly Sy Share Their Appreciation 

Preston Schmidli and McBilly Sy took to Facebook to share their appreciation for their rockstar team and members, recognizing that this level of growth could not have happened without their unwavering dedication and support. 

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Good Vibe Squad is the #1 lender-preferred mortgage marketing, lead-gen, and coaching solution in the United States. See how we’ve helped hundreds of loan officers transform their business, production, and relationships through an award-winning proven system and process. Learn how to get your time and freedom back. 

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