How To Make Video Marketing Work

a person recording a vlog using her camera

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Did you know that video marketing has the potential to revolutionize your business growth and success? It’s no secret that video marketing is a powerful tool that can help you increase your brand recognition, generate leads, and boost sales. With almost 90% of marketers believing in the effectiveness of video marketing, it’s a no-brainer that you, too, should consider hopping on the bandwagon. So, why not unleash your creative side and leverage the power of videos to take your business to the next level?

Key Takeaways

  • Set S.M.A.R.T. video goals tied to marketing funnel stages to focus your efforts and measure success.
  • Diversify your video types and topics to appeal to viewers at different points in their buyer’s journey.
  • Distribute videos across owned, paid, and earned media tailored to each platform while tracking performance data.

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The Importance of Video Marketing

72% of consumers prefer watching videos to reading about products. Message retention is 95% higher when watching a video than reading text, which is only 10%.

The video also helps improve most marketing metrics:

  • 96% say it increased their understanding of their product/service
  • 95% say it helped raise brand awareness
  • 91% say it helped increase website traffic
  • 90% say it helped generate leads
  • 87% say it helped increase sales

Video marketing should be essential to your digital marketing strategy to meet modern consumer expectations and improve your results.

How To Set Goals and Targets

Before creating videos, you must set S.M.A.R.T. goals aligned with your target audience and business objectives.

Break this down across the different stages of the marketing funnel:

  • Awareness Stage Goals:
    1. Attract new visitors
    2. Increase brand awareness
    3. Target: Views, impressions, and unique viewers


  • Consideration Stage Goals:
    1. Increase audience engagement
    2. Educate potential customers
    3. Target: View-through-rate, watch time, favorability lift


  • Conversion Stage Goals:
    1. Convert prospects into customers
    2. Persuade viewers to take action
    3. Target: Clicks, calls, sign-ups, sales

This precise alignment will help you measure success and optimize your video strategy.

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Craft an Effective Video Marketing Strategy

The key to video marketing success begins with strategy. Before you start creating and distributing a single video, answer these four questions:

  1. Why Do You Want to Use Video? Align video goals to broader business objectives. Whether it’s increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or boosting sales, be clear on what success looks like. Support multiple stages of the buyer’s journey for a more significant impact.
  2. Who Are You Making Videos For? Create audience personas. Detail their demographics, interests, preferred content types, and platform behaviors. Videos tailored to personas perform better.
  3. What Will Your Videos Be About? Map video topics and styles to personas and funnel stages. For example, use short-form social videos to attract millennials, explainer videos to inform boomer decision-makers, and testimonials to convince Gen X buyers.
  4. How Will You Create and Distribute Video? Determine the production and distribution models aligned to goals, audiences, and content types. For example, leverage a hybrid production approach for brand films and outsource performance marketing video.

You’ll create high-performing video content that moves audiences to action by answering these strategic questions upfront.

Understand Modern Video Consumption Trends

The way audiences consume video continues to evolve rapidly. As consumer taste and technology change, so should your video marketing. Here are five key video trends to help your efforts resonate in 2023:

  1. Short-Form Vertical Video dominates social media on TikTok and Instagram Reels, and video tallies under 60 seconds perform best. Lean into mobile behaviors by optimizing for audio-off viewing and compelling visuals that communicate quickly.
  2. YouTube remains strong for long-form YouTube retains 2.5 billion monthly viewers who turn to the platform for longer educational, “how-to” and brand-building content. Work this into your distribution strategy.
  3. Interactive Video improves engagement from shoppable live streams to choose-your-own-adventure videos; interactive formats outperform passive videos across metrics like completion rate and purchase intent.
  4. Immersive Video drives deeper experiences Both 360-degree and virtual reality (V.R.) videos immerse viewers in more profound brand experiences that boost memorability and engagement.
  5. AI will influence video production
  6. From ideation to distribution, artificial intelligence promises to enhance video results as the technology matures. But focus on strategy and compelling creativity over novelty for now.

Rather than stick to one video style and platform, meet modern audiences where they are with the right content. Test new video approaches while optimizing within proven channels.

a girl holding a umbrella with a lightbulb, megaphone, video, calculator, and dollar icon

Types of Marketing Videos

To achieve your objectives, you have the option to create various types of videos, including:

  1. Demo Videos: Showcase your product and highlight key features.
  2. Brand Videos: Share your brand story and values.
  3. Educational Videos: Teach viewers about your product and build expertise.
  4. Explainer Videos: Explain what your product does and why it’s better.
  5. Testimonial Videos: Show social proof from happy customers.
  6. Video Ads: Get your product or service to fresh audiences.
  7. Social Media Videos: Engage your audience with fun, short videos.

So, pick 1-2 video types aligned to your goals in each funnel stage. This variety will allow you to appeal to viewers at different points in their buyer’s journey.

Video Creation, Distribution, and Measurement

The production process can seem overwhelming. But follow these steps to develop quality videos that perform:

  1. Script your video to communicate your key messages clearly.
  2. Film high-quality video and audio with simple equipment like a smartphone, microphone, and essential lighting.
  3. Edit your footage to combine b-roll, interviews, graphics, and more to tell a compelling story.
  4. Compress your video into formats optimized for different platforms.
  5. Distribute across owned channels like your website and email lists to start.
  6. Amplify reach through paid ads and earned media outreach over time.
  7. Analyze performance by tracking views, completions, clicks, and conversions specific to each video across the funnel stages.

This process allows you to create engaging video content optimized for distribution and measure what resonates best with your audience.

Optimize Video Content for Each Major Platform

Audience behaviors and algorithms vary across platforms. That’s why taking a one-size-fits-all approach rarely delivers results. By tailoring video content to each platform, you can improve performance.

Here’s how to succeed with video on five top channels:

  • YouTube:
    With YouTube retaining over 50% of viewers after five minutes, longer video content performs best. Optimize your videos and channels for watch time while leveraging cards, end screens, and compelling thumbnails to keep viewers engaged.
  • Facebook & Instagram:
    Capture attention immediately with short videos optimized for sound-off and autoplay viewing. Leverage captions and striking visuals that share your story quickly. Align length and style to the feed, stories, or live format.
  • TikTok:
    Hook viewers in 5 seconds with engaging visuals and audio. Make the most of duets, stitches, and other interactive features famous with the TikTok community. Join trends with branded transitions and effects.
  • Twitter:
    Videos under 2 minutes and 20 seconds thrive with this fast-paced audience. Rethink conventions with experimental formats—from collages to multi-clip compilations—that prompt action.
  • Websites & Landing Pages:
  • Simplify access with one-click playback. Feature your most persuasive videos prominently over copy. Re-engage visitors with recommended video content.

The more tailored your video content, the better your chance of resonating and converting. Take the time to optimize for every platform and reap the benefits through greater reach and engagement.

a guy working on his computer with a thumbs up icon and a girl working on her computer with a thumbs down icon

Measure Actual Video Performance

If video marketing success comes down to anything, it’s tracking meaningful performance metrics aligned with your objectives. Rather than vanity metrics like views, hone in on data tied to pipeline and revenue.

Here’s how to gauge video impact at each funnel stage:

  • Awareness Stage:
    Measure brand lift metrics like unaided awareness, message association, and ad recall. Analyze views, 3-second views, completion rates, impressions, and audience demographics to gauge reach.
  • Consideration Stage:
    Prioritize view-through rates, minutes watched, favorability lift, and click-through rates to quantify engagement and interest.
  • Conversion Stage:
    Monitor leads generated, sign-ups, sales influenced, and purchase intent lift to connect video efforts directly to pipeline and profit.

By linking videos to downstream behaviors using UTM tracking codes and analytics, you can continually optimize content to drive business results. Software solutions also allow you to target specific videos to high-intent viewers when they’re identified.

Even the most beautifully crafted video means little if it’s not serving your strategy and moving revenue. Approach video first as a business initiative, creatively brought to life. Your videos will drive impact by fixing your sights on R.O.I. and honing in on data.

Unleashing Creativity in a Fast-Paced World to Elevate Your Business

As the world becomes increasingly fast-paced, it is increasingly essential for businesses to come up with creative and distinctive ideas to distinguish themselves from their competitors. Video marketing is a mighty tool that can help companies break through the noise and leave a lasting impression on their audience.

But it’s not just about creating any old video and hoping for the best. To truly drive engagement, businesses need to have a clear strategy in mind. That means setting specific goals, crafting high-quality content, and carefully measuring and optimizing their approach.

Through video marketing, Businesses can enhance brand recognition, drive conversions, and establish an emotional connection with customers. So, if you’re looking to make a splash in the crowded marketing world, feel free to invest in video – it could be just what you need to take your business to the next level.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How much of the budget do I need for video marketing?

A: The costs vary widely depending on whether you outsource production or in-house. But you can create quality video content starting at $1,000 per video. Focus initially on core videos that will have the most significant impact.

Q: What equipment do I need to produce videos?

A: You can produce quality videos with a smartphone, microphone, and essential lighting. Dedicate an area as your filming studio for consistency across videos.

Q: How long should my marketing videos be?

A: We recommend 1-3 minutes in length. Analyze audience retention data to identify the optimal length to keep viewers interested while communicating your messaging.

Q: Which social platforms should I prioritize for video?

A: Start by researching where your target audience spends their time. But at minimum, produce native videos optimized for YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.

Q: How often should I publish new video content?

A: According to research, the more frequently you post quality videos, the better. But aim for at least 2 videos per month focused on topics aligned with your audience’s interests.

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Are you looking to take your mortgage business to new heights? Your search ends with the Good Vibe Squad! We are thrilled to assist you in making your brand stand out in the overcrowded mortgage market. Our team of skilled professionals is eager to collaborate with you to create a customized plan and showcase how we can attract more clients and close more deals. Take advantage of the incredible mortgage marketing expertise we have to offer. Reach out to Good Vibe Squad today, and let’s get started!

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